Thursday, September 12, 2013

Stress Is a Killer!

Okay, STRESS! It is always going to be a part of life. Work is stressful, I love what I do, but as a business owner I push myself to do more, to do it better, to work until everything is done, yes, everything! It is a constant effort. This past week my checking account was hacked and everything was taken. So, you know what that means, what checks are floating around? What drafts are coming out, and when? How do I pay all these people without receiving penalties from everyone? My car was hit, now for repairs, my 13 year old got chicken pox, how do I make sure he gets the attention he needs while working and taking care of 2 other children? My health had a couple challenges, took care of that, of course, my sister had a scary diagnosis, my kids have guitar lessons, drum lessons and an art class after school....all  in the past 2 weeks!  You can see why I write this blog. You MUST have a stress outlet to get through it without falling apart. I am not making time to work out, so now what? Well, as soon as I write this I will go take a Lavender bubble bath with candles! I will strive to get more rest tonight by going to bed earlier than usual.  I am full of ideas for stress outlets. Here are some that I love to utilize
tai chi
reike (this one should be at the top of the list)
sitting and listening to the birds and watch clouds (great way to start the day)!
go for a run
Socialize with a friend

When I am under a lot of stress I support my adrenals so they do not become exhausted. I have a phosphatydle serine cream that I benefit from immediately. Also, I support my nerves with a natural anti depressant and B vitamins. It helps me get by without snapping, that would be very easy.  
Be good to yourself! You are the one that knows what you need, you will be the only one that will do it for you when you need it. Off to the tub! Do something wonderful for yourself, NOW! 

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