Not Hungry! What?? What do you eat when you haven't eaten in days? A very busy day coming up with no break, again, no master cleanse "lemonade" to drink all day long, just a very large bottle of water. My husband tells me verbatim what I tell all of my clients. "Go to Earthfare, get a juice - you will feel fantastic". Brilliant! I go see the juicer at Earthfare and I get a beet, celery, carrot, apple juice. It's beautiful! I take the first sip in my car and feel it going all the way down. I can feel my body receive the nourishment of it immediately getting into my blood stream.
Knowing that in about 40 minutes my crazy day starts I grabbed a coconut milk yogurt and a raw fruit and nut, vegan bar so I can slowly get nourishment in over the next 7 hours while I help clients and before I leap up and run to get 2 out of the 3 of my kids out of school. My energy is good, my mood is good. I stop by Fresh Market on the way home to weigh myself - I knew my before weight prior to the fast and I wanted to see if I lost anything during my fast. 6 lbs. down!! That can't be! I'm down to my pre-baby(s) weight! I will re-take my weight on the same scale I took the pre-fast weight later.
I get home and realize there is nothing for me to eat at the house - I did that on purpose prior to starting the fast. Why keep things at home that will tempt me? I just want an avocado, quinoa - a tiny bit - no heavy proteins....but I have to wait until the 3rd kid gets off the bus, so I clean and get some work done I brought home. No eating for me. The last kid gets home and he has a big project to do. Husband comes home, dresses in workout clothes and goes to his sisters house to help her out. Guess I will just have to dig for something to eat. I find walnuts, pecans and cereal. I really wished I had dates or craisins or any dried fruit at all - I made a trail mix and it filled me up very quickly.
Lesson 4? Prepare for post cleanse meals. Get some snacks, you don't want big meals post fast anyhow. The next day starts the same. A beautiful juice, raw bars, lots of water and lots of work!!!
Items of food that I don't want to put in now that I've 'cleaned house'. sugar! fat, including creamy sauces! And alcohol. Things I want more of post fast lots of water and produce, nuts and seeds including my chia. Smoothies - green and not green. I will keep things clean for as long as I can.
Off to do more work so I can sneak in a workout today - it's a perfect day for a run.
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